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Truancy in 1890's
Headmaster Washington Stewart, concerned about the number of chidren "wagging" school, wrote two letters to the School Committee. The last stated that "The growth of intellect appears to be of less concern than the growth of plants, for the sight of a full drayload of schoolboys being driven out to plant cabbages for a local grower was neither a pleasant nor inspiring sight."
Ernest Thynne, Chairman of the School Committee and editor of "The Herald" newspaper, took exception to the letters and wrote a hard-hitting editorial criticising Mr. Stewart.
It was about this time that the Wanganui Education Board introduced Truancy Inspectors. Because of the loopholes in the system, truancy continued to be a problem.
Artists: Des Comyn, Mike Jull, Michael Barclay & J Stafford
Sponsors: Benjamin Moore Paints, Percy Young, R & B Caldow
Site: South wall "Adorne" Florist